These images below give you an indication of the type of weather we have endured here in the 2013/14 winter of central Virginia, although I must admit there is much beauty to be enjoyed in spite of the cold. It has been at least thirty years since I have been able to scrape with my fingernail the crystalized frost on a window.
Beautiful as it is, it belongs up north from whence we came!
The concern for such frigid vineyard temps in this region is the potential for damage to this year's buds. It is especially dangerous to them once the ground has begun to heat up a bit and the sap begins to flow up the trunk and into the canes. We have had a couple such instances and in fact are enduring one as I type this. We were in the 60's the last few days, then another front blew in last evening and brought the temps down to 21° with another frigid night ahead of us. I cut open some buds recently to see if there had been damage. To my dismay I found some damage, but I estimate only about 25%. But this current freeze might add to that, thus reducing our crop this vintage. Time will tell. We will hope for the best, as that is all we can do.
Freeze killed bud Healthy bud |
On the bright side, our most severe outbreak of cold, getting to -2° and staying in the teens for two days, presumably did the trick to help wipe out the increasing populations of the noxious "stink-bug," which has been mutiplying by the millions in recent years and wreaking havoc with crops in the Mid-Atlantic. According to a Virginia Tech study, that recent frigid snap should have wiped out nearly 95% of stinkbugs living out in the wild in their normal winter habitat. For this, I admit I am now a delighted and willing participant in enduring such frigid temps.
On the mountain this winter, the brightest light in our life has been the addition of the most delightful of puppies; a young male Maremma to keep our female, Bella, company and from whom we hope to welcome a litter of puppies later this year! The Maremma breed comes from the Abruzzi mountains of Italy, where it is said they have been guarding flocks of sheep since the time of Christ. Because our little guy is of Italian heritage and he has brought so much light into our dark winter, and because I so love the tenor voice of Luciano Pavarotti, we have christened our new puppy "Luciano" which means "light." And here he is....
If any of you get the chance to visit Ankida you will love meeting him and sensing his joy for life and his adaptability in all situations (he even loves to dance!) At four months, he already is beginning to guard the flock. He loves all the farm animals (chickens and cats included) and all the humans and is as affectionate as any dog I have known. We are thrilled and we are grateful for the tender care given him by his breeder, Kristine and folks at nearby Peavine Hollow Farms. They are the best! Lucci thanks you for giving him such a good start in life! And in this image to the right, Lucci snuggles up to the ultimate dog lover, Mary Beth Williams, who drove hours to meet our new little pup. She was not disappointed!
And so I leave you and hopefully will return sooner than my previous pause in blog posting. There is much happening at Ankida. Our Pinot Noir is heading to London for an event for the new US Ambassador to the UK. We have been named one of the top wineries in Virginia. Our tasting room in Charlottesville, 22 Brix, is doing great... and so much more. We hope you will come visit us. Our spring "Celebrate Budbreak" will be held April 12, so try to make it then.
Till next time, I bid you adieu, grateful for all the many joys in our lives... our good health, growing grand babies and their loving parents, farm animals happy with a purpose in life and the vines and delicious wines that have made this vineyard life possible.
Cheers and here's to a forecast without snow!
Very nice. Well said. Hope to come back for visit this summer. Haven't seen Corey and family in a while and ALWAYS WELCOME YOUR HOSPITALITY.