Lucie Morton spent a morning here this week. We had our pruners, magnifying glasses, cameras, etc and went to work examining the grapes and vines. The Chardonnay is filling out beautifully. We should certainly be able to get a bigger crop this year over our measly pickings last year. And there was absolutely no disease to be found. Yes! Fingers crossed for the next few weeks.
The Pinot vines appear to be healthy, happy four year olds, just becoming aware of all they are capable of being. The difference in the maturation and canopy in the vines this year compared to last is amazing. My babies have grown up!! They are in nearly full production mode. They have worked hard to become strong and healthy. I have allowed them to defend themselves a bit, spraying minimally which allows them to produce some of their own defenses by producing more phenolics (which enhances flavor). I am so proud of them!! And the few morsels of grapes I have tasted that seemed the ripest are absolutely beautifully sweet and rich in flavor. Just a few more weeks of slow (hopefully) ripening, and a bit of time to rest and hang on the vine before their big graduation day!!
And then there is the interesting Stink Bug issue! My concern this year has been with the BMSB (Stink Bugs) getting in the tight clusters of the Pinot grapes, piercing the fruit and setting us up for Fruit Rot (Botrytis). We made an interesting observation. The Stink Bugs have nearly disappeared now that the Pinot has turned color. The only ones I found were in the still green clusters. There was a mixture of the indigenous bugs and the BMSB. We studied the clusters and could see that the bugs appeared to have been feeding on the pedicle part of the grapes, where the grape is attached to the tiny stem. Perhaps this is what the BMSB likes to feed on and not the ripe fruit, and once that hardens off it is not so tasty and they move elsewhere? Also, in most cases we found some webbing. Will have to check with VA Tech to see what that is.
There is much to learn about this new invasive pest. VA Tech and others are working to find a solution. I hope it comes soon, as the amount of BMSB in our vineyard this year was hugely increased over last year.
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