The climate conditions of this spring and my four days absence from the vineyard when I traveled back to Virginia Beach for a few days created a perfect storm for utter chaos in the vineyard upon my return. We had so much rain under very cool conditions for most of the spring. The vines had been well fed with a good dose of compost. They soaked it all up and rested quietly as they waited for sun and heat to kick start their season of reproduction. Well......
The hot sun arrived just as I left and when I returned, my jaw dropped at the jungle of growth before my eyes. Canes spewing forth in all directions, canes that were too short to tuck into the wire before I left were now so long they were laying on the ground. Walking down the rows was like walking through a tunnel. Oh my God! And we had to spray within 48 hours to not allow a lapse of coverage and Black rot to rear its ugly head. This is such a vulnerable time. The fruit is in bloom and the baby grapes are tiny and tender.
I was frantic. 3,500 vines, each with multiple canes. Impossible! Dennis was there to help for a while. Arnold lended a hand. A storm was coming the next day. We had to get all the canes off the ground, tucked in and Arnold spray before the end of the next day. Temps in low nineties with high humidity and no breeze. I felt like I was running ahead of a freight train that was picking up speed. I have to say this was one of the most grueling days I can remember.
By six o'clock on day two I tucked in my last cane and Arnold began spraying. He finished spraying beyond twilight, into the darkness of night with the tractor lights on. The expression around these parts is "dark caught me". For me, the heat caught me. It took me two days to recover. Fluids, electrolytes, rest. I walked the vineyard the next day and I felt a reminiscence of those days after childbirth... feeling exhaustion along with an overwhelming sense of pride in my accomplishment and a deep connection to what I had given birth to.
Grow in good health my baby grapes. Trust you will be cared for to the greatest of my abilities.
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